CPS Security

The strongest safeguards to protect your data sources

Unidirectional data transmission(data diode) fully protects data sources and enables the most secure interconnection between networks.



Unidirectional Security Gateway Solution (Data Diode)

CEREBRO-DD is a data diode solution providing the safest data transmission environment between separate networks.
Only necessary data can be safely transmitted externally by forcing data flow in just one direction between networks with different security levels while maintaining the closedness of the network with higher security levels.
Based on the unique extensive protocol support technology of NAONWORKS, its adoption can be carried out in an optimized way to the various control system environments. Security and stability have been maximized due to the transmission section encryption, data transmission error control function, and malicious code inspection.


CEREBRO-DD ensures the most secure data linkage between networks with different security levels.


Unidirectional Data Transmission

Unidirectional Data Transmission

Creating a one-way channel from the sending server to the receiving server

Physical one-way association security with one-way NIC configuration

Blocking the source of reverse transmission from the receiving server to the sending serve

Transmission Data Protection

Transmission Data Protection

Encryption of data during transmission based on a proprietary non-routable protocol.

Forward Error Correction (FEC)-based data transmission error control.

Pre-data transfer policy check, signature verification, and malware scanning.

Supported Protocols

Supported Protocols

Seamless conversion of heterogeneous protocols without the need for separate relay servers.

Extensive support for industrial protocols, database connectivity, standard protocols, and more.

Real-time streaming support for CCTV and other media applications.

Customer Optimization

Customer Optimization

Selectable and expandable one-way section (100M, 1~10Gbps)

Providing a high availability environment through redundant configurations.

Diverse lineup available, detachable(1~10G), integrated(1G), and mini-type(100Mbps)

Configuration Diagram

CEREBRO-DD is a wide range of protocol support technology unique to NAONWORKS
that can be optimally applied to various control system environments.

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